Reverb Channel

Reverb Channel is een datagedreven onderzoeksprogramma, dat zich richt op de impact van hedendaagse toepassingen van datamining en machine learning in digitale nieuwsmedia. Een platform waarop professionals kunnen experimenteren met data uit nieuwsbronnen.

Are you sure you're reading news?

How AI can tell if an article is news or advertisement

Learn with AI: is it news or an ad?

An interview with Peter van der Putten from Leiden University

How AI can help you read the newspaper

An interview with Timo Kats

Distinguishing Editorial and Advertorial Content

AI models help you spot the difference

Upcoming Event : The Future of AI is Human

Where SAILS meets Art, Society and Technology exciting things happen

I Gotta Feeling

So tell me, how do you feel after reading this blog?

How is news highlighted in different media?

A data-driven exploration of our networked news culture

Here is our presentation at this year's Misdoom

Explore how polarisation works in contemporary news media

Polarisatie en filterbellen in de media van vandaag

Reverb Channel biedt datawetenschappers, kunstenaars en mediaprofessionals een platform om onderzoek uit te voeren.


Today, we presented our latest developments of Reverb Channel in Luxembourg.

Joining forces on Reverb Channel?

We invite you to experiment with data from news sources

Kom naar onze lezing op de komende MISDOOM 2020

Het tweede symposium over desinformatie in open media